Nebraska Beef in Schools

Logan View Public Schools is excited to announce that we are participating in Nebraska Beef in Schools.  With the goal in mind to promote Nebraska beef in our school’s lunch program and encourage beef education, we are partnering with area producers and non-producers to implement this program.
How does the school and students benefit?
•Students will experience first-hand the impact of the beef industry
•Expenditures previously spent on protein can now be allocated to fresh fruits and vegetables.
•Creates a partnership between local industry and the school to provide educational opportunities for all students to learn about the beef industry, nutrition and healthy food options.
How can I donate?
•Producers can donate meat in 100 lb. increments, an entire beef, or grain.
•Non-producers can donate monetary donations. (Made out to: Logan View Beef Program).

Included in this article is a Letter of Commitment.  Please fill it out and return it to Logan View Public Schools, 2163 Co Rd G, Hooper, NE  68031 or contact Mr. Taylor for more details at

Thank you for your support in helping us improve the lunch of students while educating them about the beef industry.

Letter of Commitment